Wednesday, March 4, 2020


“Wildings” is a very old word, dating to the mid-1500’s and meaning, simply, a wild plant (or animal), something untamed, uncultivated. Centuries (and Game of Thrones) may have added layers of meaning, but here we use it in the original, uncomplicated sense…mostly.

WildingsWhimsy, the name of our Etsy shop, was so named simply to indicate that our crafty creations are from the wild—rustic chic décor created from things foraged from our own forestland in the mountains of western Oregon. 

While feeling the need to explain the meaning of one’s shop or blog name does not bode well for brand recognition, we are fond of the name and will soldier on for a time until greater experience and wisdom indicate a need for change. 

So why are we doing this, creating rustic décor from things found in the woods? It helps that we have a fairly large bit of timberland at our disposal, a property in the family for over 80 years. We began by seeking to sell natural craft supplies, like dried pine cones and moss, to crafters. But, being crafty ourselves, we were soon dipping into our stock to experiment with fir and pine cone wreaths, moss art and clever candleholders. 

While fun, there is a deeper reason for moving in this direction. We have sensed in society at large a hunger for nature and wild things, a need for connection with the natural elements that many feel estranged from in our modern world. The Japanese movement, “forest bathing,” is one indication of that. And the growing interest in living walls, installations of living mosses, ferns and other plants in both public and private spaces is another. And when the upkeep of living walls seems too daunting, there is interest in smaller moss wall hangings of preserved moss, sticks and stones. 

The question for us at WildingsWhimsy is how to bring a touch of the wild to our urban cousins and it is that question we will explore in future posts. I have elsewhere quoted John Muir, but it bears repeating, “Every natural object bears a touch of divinity…”. That is the connection we hope to facilitate in our increasingly stress filled world.

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